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What Is the Ideal Profit Margin in Property Development?

What Is the Ideal Profit Margin in Property Development?

Regardless of the market situation, a financial feasibility showing a realistic rate of return can help you make certain that you can make money in property development. In planning your property development project, the bottom line must show a suitable return for the money and effort you put into it as a developer. The ideal […]

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Property Development Masterclass – 2024

Property Development Masterclass – 2024

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Short Seminar: Property Development

Short Seminar: Property Development

Whether you’ve developed a few or just dipping your toes into the property development market, this short seminar is designed to empower you with basic knowledge. Learn from Australia’s Leading Expert to discover the 6-step process of property development. Property development is the key to turning real estate into a profitable venture. It involves acquiring, […]

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Property Investing – Armchair Developer Strategies

Property Investing – Armchair Developer Strategies

We’ve put together a short educational video on Property Development Investing. In just a few minutes, you’ll discover the questions you need to clarify before investing in a property development. Your financial success story starts here… Now you understand the questions to ask when looking to invest money in property development to minimise risk and […]

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Insurance For Property Developers

Insurance For Property Developers

The risk and return paradigm is well understood by many investors – if you want a higher level of return you need to accept a higher level of risk, and vice versa. So with the high potential returns on offer from property development, it should come as no surprise the risks can also be significant. […]

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How profitable is property development?

How profitable is property development?

I’m often asked the question, particularly by non-property people, how profitable is property development. When it comes to making money from property, one strategy stands head and shoulders above all others – property development. That said, there are risks and those need to be understood and mitigated as well as possible. I don’t consider renovating […]

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Property Development Research Tools – Part 2

Property Development Research Tools – Part 2

In my last article, I discussed useful tools for property development that require payment. In this article, I will touch on useful tools that cost nothing.  Council Websites: As I work closely with students in my property development mentoring program it never ceases to amaze me the variation around the country regarding the amount of […]

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Property Development Research Tools

Property Development Research Tools

When it comes to useful research tools for property development we’re really spoiled for choice. And I should know. I started out in an era a decade before the internet and I can remember spending most of the day in the city running from one government department to another gathering searches on a property. I […]

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Property Development As a Wealth Creation Strategy

Property Development As a Wealth Creation Strategy

When it comes to wealth creation there seems to be an endless array of opportunities. I don’t know about your Inbox but mine gets peppered every day with the latest new thing for creating wealth. But there’s something unique about property. It is primal. Before crypto currency, before stocks, before gold there was property – […]

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Managing Risk in Property Development

Managing Risk in Property Development

Whether we realise it or not, managing risk is something we all deal with every day. For example, the simple process of crossing a street involves a certain degree of risk which we manage without even blinking an eyelid. Imagine for a moment crossing a busy street without looking left and right, without gauging the […]

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How to Find Your Property Development Team

How to Find Your Property Development Team

You will often hear me say that my secret to success in property development has been my team. By team I mean the professionals we bring around us to add expertise to each step of the property development process. As property developers, we leverage their time and expertise. And the beautiful thing is that they […]

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Three Important Steps in Determining the Feasibility of Your Property Development Project.

Three Important Steps in Determining the Feasibility of Your Property Development Project.

Property development is a business, and in order to make sure that the business is worth pursuing or not, you need to determine its feasibility. Before you roll out any property development project, you need to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to analyse if the project is financially and technically feasible and doable within your […]

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Myths Surrounding Property Development

Myths Surrounding Property Development

Like many things in life, when you’re on the outside looking in it can be quite different from the inside looking out. The words ‘property development’ conjure up many myths for many people, particularly for those on the outside. People might say things like it’s too complex, you need lots of money, you need to […]

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How To Finance Your Property Development Project

How To Finance Your Property Development Project

Introduction It’s a big call to say any one step in the property development process is more important than another. The truth is they are all important, but at the end of the day there would be very few people with enough cash sitting in the bank to do a property development without borrowings. So, […]

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Overcoming limitations and embracing success in property development

Overcoming limitations and embracing success in property development

Hilary here,  Have you ever wondered why some people excel in property development while others remain stuck in their comfort zones?  It all comes down to the limitations we impose on ourselves and the lack of self-confidence that holds us back from pursuing our dreams and goals. But don’t worry! I’m here to guide you […]

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5 reasons we think you should get into property development

5 reasons we think you should get into property development

Are you on the fence about property development?  Wondering if this is the career path for you?  Or maybe you have some extra cash laying around that you know could be better used? Below is 5 reasons we think you should get into property development: 1. Financial Returns: Property development presents an avenue for generating significant profits. When […]

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6 traits that can hinder success

6 traits that can hinder success

Hilary here, I wanted to reach out and share some valuable insights from a very popular podcast episode (Episode 57) where we discussed the 6 traits that can hinder success. These traits are applicable not only in property development but also in various areas of life. These insights can be applied not only in property development […]

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3 key points to consider when searching for a development site

3 key points to consider when searching for a development site

We have a few newbies to our database so for this week I wanted to get back to basics for you and discuss what makes a good development site.  If you’re looking for a site, continue reading.. Below are 3 key points to consider when searching for a development site: These are just a few […]

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Have you ever used the excuse ‘I don’t have enough time’?

Have you ever used the excuse ‘I don’t have enough time’?

We wanted to address a common concern among aspiring property developers – the perception that time is a barrier to entering this field. We’re here to assure you that time should not hold you back from achieving your goals. Here’s why… Property development is a gradual process, not an immediate commitment. Most of our students […]

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Goal Setting for Property Development | #007

Goal Setting for Property Development | #007

Goal setting is vital so you are clear about where you want to be. Be that a few years from now, a few months from now, or even just a few days from now. It gives you the chance to evaluate your life and assess where you are compared to where you would like to […]

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Tips for Finding the Right Buyer’s Agent (and when/if you need one)

Tips for Finding the Right Buyer’s Agent (and when/if you need one)

We had a question this week that we wanted to share with you, in case you are wondering about the why, how and when of working with a Buyers Agent. So, here are some of our top tips on finding a Buyers Agent & what to look out for: More info on buyers agents plus other questions answered can be found in […]

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How To Become a Property Developer with $0 of your own money

How To Become a Property Developer with $0 of your own money

Are you dreaming of venturing into the exciting world of property development but feeling discouraged by the notion of needing substantial capital to get started? We’re here to tell you that with a bit of creativity and strategic thinking, you can embark on your property development journey even with $0 initial investment. At first glance, […]

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Has a lack of confidence stopped you from achieving what you’re capable of?

Has a lack of confidence stopped you from achieving what you’re capable of?

I wanted to touch base today to address the key issue of confidence (or, lack-there-of). From my personal experience working with people one-on-one in Property Development, I have discovered that confidence is a major factor in what makes or breaks people. The one factor that allows people to succeed in their endeavours but also the […]

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3 Essential Skills for Property Development Success

3 Essential Skills for Property Development Success

Today, I want to share with you three essential factors that I have not only learned but also taught, which will contribute significantly to your success as a property developer.  First up, we have “Meticulous Planning,” the secret sauce to achieving property development success. Picture this… you’re sitting at your desk, armed with a whiteboard, a stack […]

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Do You Have Enough Time To Earn $2,000 Per Hour?

Do You Have Enough Time To Earn $2,000 Per Hour?

I wanted to drop in and explain something that we hear a lot: “I don’t have enough time to do a property development project.” If this is you, keep reading.. Below is a breakdown of the hours it will take each week on average over a project, and where you can find these hours in […]

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All You Need To Know About the Property Mastermind Podcast | #001

All You Need To Know About the Property Mastermind Podcast | #001

Welcome to the pilot episode of The Property Mastermind Podcast with Hilary Saxton! This episode signifies a new journey — a journey I’ve been wanting to take on for so long but have only gotten the chance now. I work a lot in the space of helping change mindsets and this podcast will help me […]

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Kind Words From Our Students
Michael Carbone
Michael Carbone


WOW! Your work has been extremely impressive.

Nuwan Fernando
Nuwan Fernando

"Now that's what you call accelerated learning!"

When we first met Bob, we had no capital to do our own projects nor much previous knowledge about property. With Bob’s teaching and guidance, we are now well into our first project in a no money down deal which was crafted from Bob’s amazing creative strategies playbook. We are now developing property for profit without ever having owned property prior to this. Now that’s what you call accelerated learning!

Declan Collins
Declan Collins

"Your course is exactly what I need!"

Your course is exactly what I need! You just can’t get good industry knowledge like what you’re giving!

Ready to Learn More About Property Development?

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