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Myths Surrounding Property Development

Like many things in life, when you’re on the outside looking in it can be quite different from the inside looking out. The words ‘property development’ conjure up many myths for many people, particularly for those on the outside.

People might say things like it’s too complex, you need lots of money, you need to be a builder, I’m too young or too old, I’m not a builder or I’m a female and it’s a male bastion. The truth is that these are all misconceptions or what I like to call myths. After 32 years as a developer and having taught over 2,000 people through my property development course, I know plenty about myths and facts. I’m in the mood for dispelling some myths.


You don’t personally need lots of money, you just need to know how to access it from others. I teach a range of creative strategies that teach you how to make great property development profits with little or no money of your own.


You don’t need to be a builder you just need to engage one. In fact, property development is easier to organise than a renovation. You just deal with one person – the developer. The builder organises all the trades and suppliers.


My developer students range from nineteen to mid-seventies. Age has nothing to do with it. You just need to have the desire and willingness to learn and apply it.


You don’t need years of experience – you just need a proven system to follow.

Day Job

You don’t have to give up your job to start in property development. In fact, it can be quite handy to have a job to get finance approval on your first project. Some of my students do two projects while holding down a full-time job.


It doesn’t matter what your grades were at school. Maybe you didn’t even pass year 10. You just need to have the desire to knuckle down and follow a proven system

Ethnic Background

It doesn’t matter if you’re sixth generation Australian of just received your citizenship. My developer community looks like the United Nations.


At least 30% of my students are female. Four of my top six students based on dollar value of projects are female. Women make great developers because of their ability to communicate, organise and multi-task.

Common myths about property development

Common myths about property development

We can help you understand the truth about property development. We’ve helped over 4000 people just like you learn everything about successful property development.

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Kind Words From Our Students
John Comninos
John Comninos

"I feel more confident going forward with developing now."

Your course has really gelled the bits and pieces… It’s managed to fill in the gaps in my knowledge and the support manual has been a great help …I feel more confident going forward with developing now.

Cameron Bloomfield
Cameron Bloomfield

"It is highly detailed but logical and easy to follow."

Having now purchased and studied all that is available on the market, Property Mastermind was the most comprehensive. It is highly detailed but logical and easy to follow. 

Gary Sherdon
Gary Sherdon

"I would have no hesitation in recommending this course and have done so on many occasions."

I would like to thank Bob and Hilary for the opportunity to participate in The Property Accelerator. I enjoyed the learning experience both online and in person. This has allowed me to implement knowledge and given me confidence to pursue Property development. In this time I have committed to two duplexes and am currently working on a splitter. The splitter involves a boundary realignment plus renovation and then construction of a second dwelling.  This is being done in a JV arrangement (another of Bob’s strategies). I would have no hesitation in recommending this course and have done so on many occasions.


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