EP 55: Transitioning in Property Development, Finance & ROC vs IRR

Are you still on the fence about getting into property development? Have you listened to our past episodes or maybe attended a workshop and still just can’t take the leap? Or maybe you are a seasoned property developer who has jumped in feet first and hit the ground running but you still have lots of questions. 

Well worry no more! In this week’s episode we go over three questions from our Property Masterminds community. We dive into tips and techniques to secure off market properties, how to track DA applications and whether return on cost is better than IRR. So if these questions resonate with you, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode! And maybe If you still have questions you can send them in and they will be answered on a future Property Masterminds episode! 

Episode Highlights:

  1. What are some techniques to secure off market properties?  [02:07]
  2. On market vs. off market  [03:01]
  3. Tracking DA applications  [11:12]
  4. What are the pitfalls and advantages of property development once your regular wage income slows and you’re relying on rental returns from your assets and still wanting to build a portfolio?  [17:18]
  5. What is a no-doc loan? [21:23] 
  6. Is return on costs better than IRR? [26:56]
  7. What is return on cost and IRR? [27:35]


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It has been a pleasure! And we look forward to seeing you in the future episodes!

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