Ep 63: The Top 3 Property Development Problems Answered – With Bob Andersen

Problems arise in every decision we make throughout our life and it’s no different when it comes to property development. Sometimes we must learn from our mistakes but in other cases, we can learn from those who have built the knowledge of what we are seeking to learn.


If you are still on the fence about getting into property development or maybe you have hit some roadblocks along the way, don’t let that stop you from continuing your journey and finding ways to navigate these situations. 


In this week’s episode, we talk about the top 3 property development problems and solutions to work through these problems. We dive into how to get started, how to find deals, and how to get finance. So if you have run into these issues or maybe you are still getting started but find these topics important, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode! 


3 – Day Workshop DATE CHANGE. New date = Nov 5, 6, 7 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday). If you would like to find out more, click here:



Episode Highlights:

– What’s currently going on with Bob and Hilary  [01:47]

– The 3 property development problems [04:56]

– Number 1, how do I get started?  [05:52]

– Bob’s number 1 tip on getting started  [07:50]

– Number 2, finding a deal [13:45] 

– The biggest variable in property development  [20:50]

– Number 3, how do I get finance [23:20]

– Breaking down finances when going for your construction loan [30:07]

– Recap [33:35]

– Investing opportunities [35:50] 


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