Ep. 167 – Is It Worth Buying A Site with Development Approval?

In this week’s episode, Hilary and Bob discuss whether it is worth buying a site with a development approval. They focus on what to look for when a DA has already been lodged and share insights into the intricacies of site acquisition and the importance of understanding existing approvals. So if you are considering purchasing a property with a DA, this episode is worth a listen.

Episode Highlights: 

  1. Bob’s tip of the week [00:53]
  2. Importance of Knowing What You’re Buying [02:33]
  3. Benefits of Buying Sites with DAs [03:02]
  4. Personal Experience with Development Syndicates [04:34]
  5. Example of a Poorly Designed DA [06:31]
  6. Detailed Analysis of a Bad DA Design [07:00]
  7. Inexperienced Landowners and Architects [11:02]
  8. Potential Motivations for Getting a DA [12:02]
  9. Consequences of Bad DA Designs [12:42]
  10. Example of a Failed DA Project [13:56]
  11. Due Diligence When Purchasing DA Sites [18:46]
  12. Importance of Reviewing Plans and Conditions [19:26]
  13. Construction Cost Considerations [21:02]
  14. Common Issues with DA Sites [23:13]
  15. Example of a Successful DA Purchase [26:14]
  16. Potential Pitfalls of Over-Designing [30:36]
  17. Example of a Site Worth Less with a DA [33:21]
  18. Workshop Reminder & conclusion [35:03]

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